When Do You Play Video Games During the Week?

When do you play video games?

The sand that slipped away.

There’s not enough time in the day.

I’d like to squeeze in some play time, but the week is usually jam-packed with things to do. Time seems to slip through my fingers like sand.

I wonder how people find the time to play all the latest games. Seriously, you can find games that are hundreds of hours long, and some people go through them like daily clean shirts.

How is it that we will all find time to pursue this awesome hobby when there’s so much to do?

Some Wonderful Things That Can Keep You from Your Beloved Video Games

• You’ve worked so hard that you can barely stand on your feet. The fridge is empty and dinner doesn’t cook itself.

• Young students have an alphabet [soup] to digest and new crackers to crunch at school.

• You have other hobbies to pursue and want to spend quality time with more than a machine.

• You’re running around a house trying to keep order as your children laugh and play. You probably would like to prevent more crayon frescoes on your walls.

• You’re taking your spouse out for a fancy dinner.

• You care about what’s going on in the world around you.

• Surviving a zombie apocalypse… Oops! That belongs in another list.

What Keeps Me from Playing Games?

I’m so glad you asked.

I’d say all the things in the list above, except for kids and a spouse, learning the alphabet and zombies. I would add things like volunteering, reading and writing.

Maybe I’m also not very good at games because it takes me a while to wrap up one. You won’t find broken controllers in my apartment; you will find me replaying sections of a game though.

How do I Make Room for Video Games?

That’s easy! I make time for them. There are few things as relaxing as playing video games when you have nothing else to do.

When do you play video games during the week? How do you find the time to play them?


Filed under Video Game Misc.

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