Say Hello to My Online Family

wordpress-family awardI don’t mean The Sims. is now my online family. It is a great family that manages to unite millions of people, celebrate their work, and stay classy. Let me explain this some more. is a home for millions of diverse people. We may live on opposite ends of the Earth, and we may have different interests. Yet, we can still find someone with a similar blog or shared hobby.

It’s also great fun to find people with unique views and talk to them. The comments I’ve shared have always been polite. Others leave me polite comments, even when they may disagree.

We’re not a mafia family, but we take care of our own. We “like” posts and give awards to celebrate others’ good work and talent. We get along.

If millions of people can get along on, then perhaps the world can too. Or maybe we can act as a model of decent online behaviour.


WordPress Family Award

PewPew Diaries, thank you for the “WordPress Family Award” nomination. I accept.

The Rules for the WordPress Family Award

1. Publish the award photo in a blog post. In the same post include these things:

2. A link to the person who nominated you.

3. Nominate 10 blogs “you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.”

4. Tell your 10 Family Members about their award.

My 10 Nominees for the WordPress Family Award (not in any order)

I recommend you check out all 10 of these blogs.



Filed under Video Game Blog

5 responses to “Say Hello to My Online Family

  1. Cool, thanks! The WordPress community really is like family. 🙂 I shall have to reciprocate the nod.


  2. martianoddity

    Thanks a lot! 😀 Yaaaay!


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