A Post for My Beloved

Liebster AwardDearly beloved,

We gather here today to celebrate my new award. I’ve been nominated for the Liebster award and I accept! Liebster is a German word and can translate to “beloved.”

This great news comes after the natural high I got from a previous award. That award recognized me as part of the WordPress family. Now, with Liebster, I know I’m a beloved member of that family. It’s a family I’ve never seen before, but I still feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I have to share the love and reciprocate. My digital beloved is the WordPress.com community. There are so many wonderful people on here with diverse voices. You can find great writers who cover video games and beyond. Thank you so much for all the excellent posts. Would there were time to read all these tomes of entertainment!

I feel great joy when I read your comments and know that you liked my work. It’s nice that you take the time out of your busy lives to appreciate someone else’s work. You can make a so-so day into a super week. That says a lot about you. I think that’s a form of selflessness, and it attracts me ever more to WordPress.com. Anyway, such is my beloved.

The Rules of the Liebster Award:

Thank you Drakulus for this award. I’ve quoted the rules from his post:

1. “Post eleven facts about yourself.

2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create eleven questions for people you’ve nominated.

3. Choose eleven people to give this award to and link them in your post.

4. Go to their page and tell them.

5. Remember, no tag backs.”

11 Facts About Myself:

1. My middle name’s Joseph.

2. I have a large and diverse library of books.

3. I love Scrabble.

4. My favourite comedian is Rodney Dangerfield.

5. I love classic British TV comedies like Fawlty Towers and Blackadder.

6. I can’t live without WordPress.

7. I have terrible vision without my glasses, so I never leave home without them.

8. I love to write and am working on some short stories.

9.  I can’t survive without Italian, Lebanese and Greek food.

10. I like ultimate frisbee.

11. As a kid, I played many hours of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with friends.

My answers to Drakulus’s 11 questions:

1. What’s your favorite game to have come out in the last 3 years?

Mass Effect 2

2. On a stressful day how do you relax?

Watch a funny movie, go for a run and cook.

3. What’s your favorite book?

That’s tough and almost impossible to answer. For fiction, maybe the complete series of Sherlock Holmes.

4. What would you do if you were infected by a zombie?

Find a way to peacefully co-exist with humans.

5. Werewolves vs Vampires who would win? {I’m not talking about twilight}

Vampires because they still have their brains and could devise a strategy to outwit the wild werewolves.

6. What’s your favorite strategy game?

My favourite strategy video game is Civilization II. I’m not as familiar with strategy board games as I should be.

7. What’s your all time favorite movie?

The Big Lebowski

8. Who’s your favourite actor?

Jeff Bridges

9. What video game character affected you the most?

The main character from Journey has a moving story that I won’t forget.

10. Do you think games should be allowed to win best picture?

No, I’d rather see more people watch a serious award show dedicated to games.

11. If you could fly {like Superman} where what would you do? Where would you go?

I would fly to the North Pole and set up a huge ice fort there. Then I’d have snowball fights with my friends. Note: Donald Duck’s classic snowball fight with his nephews inspired this answer.

My 11 Questions for Nominees:

1. What is your favourite meal?

2. Where do you want to go on your next vacation?

3. Who is your favourite comedian?

4. What is your favourite album?

5. What is your favorite video game development studio?

6. Why should people play video games?

7.  Are you excited for the next generation of consoles or bored with all the hype?

8. What’s your favourite TV show?

9. At what age did you play your first video game?

10.  How do you prepare to write a good blog post?

11. Who inspires you?

My  11 nominees (in no particular order):

I suggest you check out all the blogs below



Hollow Knowledge

The PewPew Diaries

The Martian Oddity

The Button Masher

System Wars Magazine

Pixel Hearts

Counter Attack

Musings of Mischief and Mayhem

My Brain on Games


Filed under Video Game Blog

2 responses to “A Post for My Beloved

  1. drakulus23

    I loved your answers dude!


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