Video Game Marathon Session

What’s the longest session of video game playing that you have ever had? Why?


Filed under Video Games: Reader Q&A

42 responses to “Video Game Marathon Session

  1. About 3 years ago I was expecting a really important phone call. I started playing Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor at 4pm. The call came at 7am the next morning, 15 hours later. Wrecked me for days afterwards πŸ˜„

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  2. Probably when Skyrim first came out. I would work 2-10 and then play Skyrim until the sun came up and then sleep for a bit before work. That went on for a while… πŸ™‚

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  3. The Otaku Judge

    These days I only play games for an hour before taking a break. When I was younger I would often play an MMO from morning to evening if I had the day off.

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  4. Metal Gear Solid 4 saw me at 12 straight hours because I *had* to know what happened next, as an adult who then pulled an eight-hour day at work. Totally worth it.

    OR the time I 100%’d Dragon Age: Origins in less than three days, during the first week of summer vacation between first and second year of grad school. Also totally worth it haha. I was so enthralled by it and had given myself the week to be self-indulgent, so it worked out.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow! That Dragon Age story was impressive.

      What did you study in grad school?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Haha yes, “impressive”… let’s go with that! haha But thank you.

        I studied something called music therapy. Basically what I do is I use music as a modality to help people do non-music things, like develop motor skills, or social skills, academic skills, coping skills, etc. etc.

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        • Fascinating! I don’t know as much as I should about music therapy. Any recommendations for further reading?

          Liked by 1 person

          • It is! And I’ll chat your ear off about it if you let me haha. But we do have a national website at musictherapy .org, and the “About” section gives a lot of good information and summaries about what is it and what we do. I’m not sure how in-depth you are looking to go, but “Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy” is a great book to pick up, as is “This Is Your Brain on Music”; they get into some of the background that music therapists use to treat their patients and is very accessible. If you get a chance to look at any of those, let me know! πŸ˜€

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  5. I once played an entire day Final Fantasy X and got almost all the way through the main story in a day. That was a fun time!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. David Edwards

    First game that comes to mind is Final Fantasy 7. Must have spent a good 4-5 hours non-stop. Not my usual 30-45 minutes. The game story and characters were so engaging that it was hard not to be enthralled in their developing stories. Fun to explore as well collecting materia and what not. Check out my blog at

    Liked by 2 people

  7. David Edwards

    I guess you make your own story with civilization. I may check it out myself. Thanks!

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  8. I was 14 playing EQOA on PS1. My guild told me it was my turn to watch for the dragon to spawn.
    They gave me a number to call if the boss appeared.
    I gave up waiting around 3am… No dragon. It showed up when I was sleeping haha

    Liked by 2 people

  9. EricZor

    Vanilla Diablo 3. When it first came out me and my buddies would log 12+ hrs a day in the hopes that maybe good gear could drop, it never did.

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  10. Eric Constable

    Vanilla Diablo 3. Would play almost 12 hrs a day with my friends with the hopes that something half decent would drop. Never was so lucky

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  11. Well, put it this way I been playing State of Decay 2 for over 12hr I am well tired lol… Good game and it is addictive.

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  12. officialosi

    It’s been so long since I’ve had one. I think it was when I got the special version of TMNT on PS2. For some reason I really enjoyed that game back then lol

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  13. I played Fallout New Vegas for 27 hours in middle school. I wanted to die afterwards, but it was worth it.

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  14. I can’t remember which Grand Theft Auto Game it was (Maybe San Andreas?), but I played it for 10 straight hours. Why? Because I was 13 and had no responsibilities πŸ˜‚.

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  15. I have played The last of Us, 7 straight hours on a weekend πŸ˜€ because it had great reviews and i just love gaming. Also, i don’t regrade playing for this much πŸ˜›

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  16. I think the longest I have played is Oblivion for 12 hours. I have gotten close to that time, specifically when I first pick up a game.

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  17. It’s been so long since I’ve had one. I think it was when I got the special version of TMNT on PS2. For some reason I really enjoyed that game back then lol

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  18. I played Fallout New Vegas for 27 hours in middle school. I wanted to die afterwards, but it was worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I once played an entire day Final Fantasy X and got almost all the way through the main story in a day.

    Liked by 1 person

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