Why You Should Play Video Games

Check your silly assumptions at the door. I’ve got five reasons why you should play video games now. Your old excuses just won’t cut it anymore. Your silly stereotypes will fall apart as your read this list.

Your stubborn resolve not to play will crumble like a cookie before this mighty list. You’ll be playing video games before you finish this post. Do you dare read to my list? Continue in 3, 2, 1…

5 Reasons Why You Should Play Video Games

1. Meet some new people

Not all gamers are pasty nerds who live in windowless bunkers. Gamers have lives. We’re normal people. So come join us for a game or two and toss away those silly stereotypes.

2. Blow off some steam

We’ve all had rough days at school or work. Those rough days make you want to explode with anger sometimes. Here’s a better idea: play a video game before the steam comes out of your ears.

3. Find out what all the fuss is about.

Video game companies rake in millions of dollars. Some video games have shattered entertainment sales records.

Have you ever wondered what makes these games so appealing? There’s only one way to find out.

4. You have heroic tendencies

The other day you thought about bashing down a house’s door to save a cat from a raging inferno that threatened to consume everything in its path. But then you chickened out.

Don’t bother looking for cats to save from burning houses. Instead, you can play as a plumber who saves princesses from castles and shoots fireballs from his hands.

5. Interactive storytelling and fun

Everyone loves a good story. You write, read and watch them on the big screen.

You can also play through a story in a video game. However, let’s be honest, great storytelling in video games is still rare. Right now, that storytelling is like an infant taking her first steps in the world. Sometimes that kid will fall and other times she’ll sail along.

You know what else? Many games have boring stories, but many are still fun to play.


How would you persuade someone to play video games for the first time?


Filed under Non Gamers

8 responses to “Why You Should Play Video Games

  1. martianoddity

    I’d try to play a fun and simple local multi-player game together, that’d be the best approach. Anything violent or complex will scare people off the first time.


  2. The Otaku Judge

    Persuading someone to try games depends on their tastes. You could probably hook a sports fan by showing them FIFA. Female non-gamers tend to like puzzle games or The Sims.


  3. Number 5 has been the biggest thing keeping me playing. I’m a sucker for a good story.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I got some people who had never played The Legend of Zelda before to play Ocarina of Time. I just told them, “Come here, I’ve got a game I’d like you to play.” The people I got to play the game weren’t really non-gamers, but they weren’t full on gamers either, they were somewhere in between. So, I guess you can’t really use my method to get non-gamers to try a game.

    Liked by 1 person

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